Interview with Arliston

What got you into music, and if you had not gotten into music what would you be doing today? 

Good question! I do sometimes wonder this. In a dream scenario, I would have loved to be a pro tennis player, but due to having zero talent or athletic ability it’s probably for the best that I never attempted that one.

What do you like to do when you are not playing music and how does that influence your creativity? 

I play tennis badly (as mentioned above), do a bit of gardening, and try to read as much as I can. I think reading more than anything else influences how I write music. From choice little phrases, to entire novels that I’ve based songs on, books have been a huge source of inspiration for me.

How long has your band been around? Also, please tell me about the dynamic of the band of what brought you all together. 

We’ve been around since 2018- a long time! We both met in Dock Street Studios in East London, and were each looking for an angsty songwriting partner. Luckily we found each other!

Where are you based and how did that influence your music?

We’re based in Brixton now, and that place has had a huge impact on the music. We have developed a way of working where if George is finessing some instrumental stuff, then I will go and take a walk through Brockwell park and write the lyrics on the notes app on my phone. Also, we have a song on the new album called ‘Stay in Brixton’!

How did you come up with the name of your band and what does it mean to you?

We looked for so, so long for a band name. Pretty much from when we met in 2018 all the way to 2019! It felt everything good was taken, so we started messing around with making our own words. I grew up near a beautiful reservoir called Arlington reservoir, and (of course) that was taken, so we adjusted a few letters and came up with Arliston!

Tell me about your most memorable shows.

For me our most memorable show to date was playing in a warehouse in London, Ontario, Canada. It was December 2019 (just before the world was about to change forever with a big dose of Covid). There was a huge crowd there, haybales (no idea why), and a giant octopus mural on the back wall. It doesn’t get better than that!

What is your favourite venue to play at, and do you have any places you want to play that you have not already?

We have loved playing a bunch of different venues. I think one of our favourites (beyond the Canadian one) was the Under the Drum Festival in Northern Ireland. But one we’re really looking forward to is playing at St.Pancras Old Church in London, this will be the Album launch show on the 6th of Feb and we can’t wait.

If you could play any show with any lineup, who would be on the ticket?

If we could coax Damien Rice out of retirement, we’d be ecstatic. Also of course, Bon Iver and the National would be very welcome. There’s a risk that we’d be so over-awed that we wouldn’t want to go on and play after that lot though..

What is some advice that you would give to someone who is just getting into playing in a band and some advice that you would give to your younger self?

Keep going, don’t try to do too much too quickly. And a large part of success is failure!

Of your songs which one means the most to you and why? 

It’s got to be ‘What did I think would Happen’ from the new Disappointment machine’ album. That song so accurately captures what I was feeling at the time and does so without too many over-complicated metaphors (which is something I often get a bit bogged down in).

Which songs are your favorite to play and which get requested the most?

Vertical, and Sleep Well Bean are really fun to play, because A. Guitar Solos and B. Crowd participation. We have had Mothering requested a bunch of times, that’s been around for a while so it’s had time to pick up some diehard fans!

What kinds of messages do you like to get across in your music?

They’re sad mostly, but hopefully in a cathartic way which help in some way with navigating sadness and disappointment.

Do you have any new singles, videos, or albums out that you would like to tell me and your fans about? 

Yes! Our debut album, Disappointment Machine is out on Feb 7th.

How can your fans best keep up to date with you, any socials you want people to check out? 

All the usual suspects! Instagram is probably our main social. But of course Spotify is where all the actual music is at.


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